Monday, August 1, 2011

Good Ol' Dave

We have always done fairly well with making a budget and sticking to it most months, but this last month we decided to incorporate another element of Dave Ramsey's plan.  We wanted to see if it would make a difference if we started doing the envelope system.  I was hesitant at first, but I have to say, I LOVED it!  We took out cash at the beginning of the month for the 3 categories we have the most control over... groceries, restaurants, and miscellaneous.  I found myself planning a lot better and thinking more about the month as a whole before I spent money.  It makes a big difference to me psychologically to hand over cash for something rather than just swiping my debit card.  We ended up with $5.00 left over at the end of the month so I would say it was a success! 

Sometimes I get to feeling down about all the budget stuff, but I have to keep reminding myself that a budget is useless unless you stick to it.  I know we won't have to do this forever, but for now it seems to be helping my mindset.  Can't wait to see how month #2 goes! 

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