I am working on making the trainsition from Maclain napping in her swing to napping in her crib. I decided to give it a go this morning just to see how she did. We waited longer (6 months old) with Maddox and I felt like it was harder than it probably would have been if we had done it several months earlier. He would cry and cry for what seemed like forever, and my little heart just could not take it.
Fast forward to child #2 and now I know better. :) I have felt like Maclain has been too young to cry for any real length of time so I have been doing what works for us... letting her nap in her swing. From the beginning, she has been pretty laid back and does not cry all that often so I have felt like "sleep training" would be easier with her. We are on nap #2 for the day and both have been in her crib. She cried for less than 10 minutes this morning and about 25 minutes this afternoon. Her morning nap was not as long as it is in her swing, but I feel like they will get longer as she gets more used to it. We were going through batteries like crazy in that swing!
Also this morning, I took the kids to check out a Mother's Morning Out program that is at a church in our neighborhood. Maddox was not able to start preschool in January like we had planned b/c there were not enough kids signed up to start a new class. :( So we are waiting until Fall. I still need some time, though, during the week to get a few things done sans the toddler. You have to call a day ahead to reserve a spot and it's only from 9:00-12:00. We can get there literally in 1 minute so I will not waste any "me time" with the drive. He is going for the first time Wednesday morning so I hope that will go well. They have a music class and will do several other "academic" things that he is going to love. He actually cried this morning when we had to leave... he wanted to stay and play. He probably does not know, yet, that Mommy will not be staying. I hope it all goes well!
2 weeks ago
YAY! I'm glad that you found somewhere for Maddox to go! Walker's "school" is 3 hours and it is the PERFECT amount of time! It's amazing how much you can get accomplished without a toddler by your side! I'm sure you will also enjoy some quiet time with sweet Maclain as well :)