Can't believe this sweet girl will be half a year old next month...
(When Crystal was here a few weekends ago, she took this picture and I am in LOVE! I can't wait to share the rest!)
Here are some things about our little Maclain at 5 months:
-Starting to grab toys and put them straight into her mouth
-Smiles at everyone (especially her brother)
-Has tried rice cereal (not a fan), applesauce, and squash... she likes the applesauce and squash
-Started rolling from her back to her belly about 4 days ago
-Sleeps without her woombie or sleep positioner for both naptime and bedtime
-Takes 2 good naps during the day and sometimes gets in a 3rd catnap in the evening
-She is getting very squirmy and less cuddly
-We dropped her night-time feeding a few nights ago and she is doing well... she is still waking up about 2:00 am but we just put her paci back in and she goes back to sleep.
-Takes four 5-6 ounce bottles a day now.
-Size 2 diaper
-Wears 3-6 month or 6 month clothes
-HATES riding in the car for longer than about 10 minutes... this is hard!!
-"Talks" a lot
We are beyond blessed to have this sweet girl! :)
*Another New Post Below!*
2 weeks ago