Here we are at 18 months...
Is she a cutie or what?? :)
Here are her stats:
-Weight: 23 lbs., 1 ounce
-Height: 30.25 inches
-Head: 46 cm
Sweet Maclain really seems to be getting so big these days! Some things about her for memory's sake:
-Only has pacis at night/nap time
-A decent eater, but still loves crackers and snack foods the most
-Sleeps wonderfully... naps around 3 hours a day and sleeps about 11 hours a night
-Loves to do anything Maddox is doing. She is fearless!
-Climbs all the way up in the play place at Chick-fil-A and does it all on her own.
-Right now she is not loving the pool, but I am sure that will change the more time we spend there!
-Says lots of words, and is especially great at saying, "thank you" when you give her something. She will say it over and over until you tell her "you're welcome". Super cute! My other favorite phrase right now is "love you".
-Is getting more and more into books and will sit through several each night before bed
-Loves to take her shoes off, especially in the car
-Is better about staying through Bible class, but the nursery is still hit or miss
-She loves going to story time at the library each week!
She is still the cutest 1 1/2 year old I know! :)
2 weeks ago
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