Our little Maclain is 14 months old today... hard to believe but here we are!
I took her to the doctor this morning for her checkup and everything looked great. Here are her stats:
-Weight: 22 pounds, 2 ounces
-Height: 28.75 inches
-Head: 45 cm
The main thing I wanted to talk to the doctor about was her eating. She is still eating baby food and has not been a fan of table food so far. In the office that we switched to you don't always see the same doctor. You just see the next available one. It is great is some ways because the wait is not nearly as long (which was the reason we swapped in the first place). But the downside is that you get different opinions on the same topics when you see one doctor at one appointment and a different doctor at the next. When I asked the doc at her 12 month about her not eating table food she said it was no big deal and that she would wean herself off the baby food when she was ready. Well, 2 months later we have not made any real progress in that direction. We offer her what we are having and she is great about trying things, but she has not liked any of it.
The doctor we saw today basically said we need to stop giving her baby food and only give her table food. She assured me Maclain will not starve herself and that she is most likely filling herself up on the snacks we give her (like crackers). She would eat crackers all day if we let her, and I know it's only going to get worse the older she gets if we don't do something now. I will admit, I am probably partly to blame on this issue b/c one word that describes Maclain well is feisty. She is not a pushover. She knows what she wants and she is very persistent about it. These are great qualities, but are also very hard at this young age. I give in to her a lot. When she cries, it does not take me long to give her a goldfish to get us through. I know, I have to change that! So, we are starting new and making some changes. Lunch today went well overall. She tried everything I gave her and didn't eat much of it, but she did eat some. We will get there.
Ok, here are some things I want to remember about this age:
-Sleeps wonderfully... naps 3-4 hours a day (sometimes broken up into 2 naps) and sleeps 12 hours at night.
-Still pretty attached to her paci, and we will probably start leaving it in her bed soon
-Can walk, but still mostly chooses to crawl
-Loves to play outside and her favorite outside toy is Maddox's red car that she now knows how to drive completely on her own.
-Is FEARLESS... will go down slides forwards and backwards and is not afraid to try anything
-Is not a huge fan of books yet and still closes them when we open them
-Has 6 teeth... 4 on top and 2 on bottom
-Is getting to be a better traveler
-Is pretty clingy to me and definitely has stranger anxiety
-Loves the puppet show at storytime and likes to dance along to the songs
I sure am loving this little girl and can't wait to see her personality develop even more!
2 weeks ago