In between our trips and company, we have managed to have some fun "normal" days. We found a place that sells playground equipment and a couple of days a week they open it up in the mornings for free play. We really enjoyed playing on all of the swing sets and equipment!
We have had friends over to play and have enjoyed digging in the dirt!
We have also done our fair share of swimming over the last few months! Maddox and Maclain have both learned to swim without floaties this summer, which has been amazing! There were times I thought we would never get there, but it finally happened. Maclain especially is a little fish, and she is great at swimming underwater. Maddox is more cautious and prefers to keep his head above water while he swims, but is also capable of swimming underwater and has been trying it more lately. We are so proud of them!
2 weeks ago
So glad you've got two swimming! I hope to say that next summer...we will see!