Look at how big our sweet Miller Lee is getting...
This girl is such a sweetie! She has her fussy moments, but is mostly laid back and happy. Here are some things I want to remember about her at this age:
-Just moved into a size 3 diaper
-Is eating rice cereal really well now
-She had sweet potatoes for the first time last night and gobbled them up!
-She is getting so strong! She actually looks like she is trying to crawl sometimes when she is on her belly and she sees something she wants. She can definitely wait a while on that!
-She takes 4-5 bottles a day and sleeps a 9-10 hour stretch at night, sometimes followed by another 1-2 hour stretch.
-We are still not on a great napping schedule b/c we are on the go a lot, but I am learning to be ok with that!
-Miller is not much of a cuddler... when it's sleepy time she wants to be put down in her bed.
-She loves watching Maddox and Maclain and especially love when they "play" with her
-Her fussiest time is around dinner each night... she is so sleepy but it's still a little early to go to bed. On the days that she takes a late afternoon nap she is happier in the evening before bed.
-She loves to swing at the park
-She is getting to where she really notices where I am and what I am doing. She prefers to be able to see me, but as long as she's not sleepy or hungry she's content playing on her own.
-She still loves taking a bath, and especially loves holding her hand under the water as it's coming out of the faucet.
-Smiles and giggles a lot
We love you Miller Lee and look forward to seeing you reach so many more milestones! :)
2 weeks ago
Not five months already! wow! what a cutie-pie!