Well, the time keeps passing us by and I can't believe Miller has hit the 4 month mark!
Her 4 month stats:
Weight - 14 pounds, 12 ounces
Height - 23.5 inches
Head - 42 cm
At her checkup, the doctor asked if she was sleeping through the night yet and I told her that she is about half the time. She said that based on her weight, Miller should be able to go 10-12 hours at night without eating. I had been contemplating sleep training during the night when she was waking up to eat between 1-4, but was not sure if she was ready or not. After the doctor told me it was fine, we knew it was the right thing to do. Since Tuesday night, she has gone from about 8:00 at night to 6:00 or 7:00 in the morning before eating. The first night she cried some, but we went in a couple of times to put her paci back in and that worked for her. The last 2 nights she has slept through the night on her own. Thank goodness... nothing beats a good night's sleep! So thankful we are past the middle of the night feedings!
Some things I want to remember:
-Sleeps through the night now... yay!
-Wears some 3-6 month clothes, but mostly 6 month and a few 6-9 month
-Started rice cereal today and seems to like it so far
-Rolls from belly to back and is close to rolling from back to belly... not ready for that one since she still sleeps swaddled
-Coos and laughs, and is starting to reach for things that are in front of her
-She is so content and happy, and she still only fusses if she is hungry, sleepy, or riding in the car
-She smiles all the time and especially loves being talked to
-Loves being carried in the moby, facing outward
-Likes sitting up in the Bumbo
-Her favorite thing to do right now is play on her playmat... she loves looking up at all the animals hanging from it
-She takes 2 naps a day, sometimes 3
-Loves bathtime
Here are few recent pictures of our sweet girl:
Enjoying the sushine! |
She fell asleep on Daddy right before bedtime last night :) |
I love this onesie Mrs. Janay made her! :) |
We are so blessed to have this sweet, healthy baby girl!!