I can't believe that January has almost come and gone. My how the time is flying by! This month has seemed rather busy, even though most times I can't even remember what it's been busy with. Daniel and I started and completed our childbirth class this month. I have to say that I really enjoyed the class. We got to take a tour of the mother-baby ward at the hospital and we learned some really good things that I can't wait to put into practice! I really enjoyed our teacher and I hope we are now "prepared" for what lies ahead.
Also this month, I have started having some pretty vivid dreams regarding the birth of Maddox. All of them have involved him being breech and me requiring a c-section. :( I am beginning to get a little nervous and am wondering if these dreams are trying to prepare me for that. I have no idea when the doctor starts to take note of his position, but I am thinking I am going to ask about it at my next appointment. I go back on Monday and will be a little over 32 weeks by then, so I would think he will be getting into his birth position fairly soon. I am going to the doc. every 2 weeks now, until 36 when I will go every week. The time is ticking! :)
I am still feeling really good and I hope that continues to be the case. My goal is to be able to work right up until he is born since I am taking so much time off after the birth, so I am praying that that works out. The days are going by pretty fast and I stay so busy at work I really don't have time to be tired (until I get home). I am also loving my sleep these days. I was in the bed the other night by 8:15, yes that's right... 8:15. I did not even feel guilty either, and did I mention that it was the weekend?? It's so strange because I used to be quite the napper, but since I have been pregnant, I don't have the desire anymore to take a nap. I do, however, want to go to bed unusually early. I had been known in the past to sleep on Sundays basically from morning church until evening church, but I have somehow gotten past that. I guess it is my body's way of preparing me to be awake all day and try to get everything done.
Well, sorry this post was pretty uneventful and pictureless, but it's all I've got for now. I will catch up later with some belly pictures. A group of teachers that I work with get together every month and we make dinner at someone's house, so that's where I am headed tonight! Yay for yummy food! :)
2 weeks ago
Don't worry I have been getting into bed around 8:30 every night too!