Look out, world... we now have a 7 month old!!
Here are a few tidbits about Maclain at 7 months:
-Takes four 6-7 ounce bottles a day
-Takes 2 naps a day and is a great napper!
-Sleeps for about 10-11 hours a night
-Size 3 diapers, but moving to a 4 once this pack runs out
-Is a GREAT baby... very laid back most of the time and has the sweetest personality
-Started CRAWLING a couple of weeks ago and is getting faster by the day... she pulls herself with her elbows and drags the rest of her body. It's really cute!
-Eats her baby food really well so far
-Does not have a fear of strangers yet and will go to anyone (This makes my life a lot easier right now!)
-Has baby exzema :(
-Loves the bathtub... especially loves watching her big brother play in the tub
-Moving to 9 month clothes and can even wear a couple of 12 month things
-No teeth yet and no signs of them so far
-Still spits up horribly, but thankfully it does not bother her at all!
We love our little girl so much and we feel so blessed that she is ours! :)
4 weeks ago